Professional leather cleaning and treatment

Keep your leather item look better and lasting longer

In need of leather rejuvenation?

Your expensive leather shoes, purse, gloves, bag, or belt could be at risk for complete deterioration. Turn to the leather care experts and don’t risk the air’s effect on your beloved accessories or articles of clothing.


Extensively care for your leather with our professional and extensive rehabilitation service. Restoration revitalizes color and texture of leather bodies making them look like they have just left the store shelf.

Smoother, brighter, and longer

Aging leather requires care to get it back to its original condition. The level of moisture in the air can severely affect the durability and texture of any leather product, potentially destroying the item.


Getting your leather to the right level of hydration is an essential component to any treatment. Whether dry and cracking or wet and disintegrating, our specialized process will add longevity to your items. 

Leather accessories
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